Tel: 01727 849700
Email: admin@aboyne.herts.sch.uk
Etna Road St Albans AL3 5NL
Headteacher: Keith Smithard MA Ed.
SENCo: Michelle Charsley
At Aboyne Lodge, we understand that a quality curriculum leads to quality learning and therefore, quality outcomes for children. We have thought carefully about the skills that children need to learn, the knowledge we want them to retain and the vocabulary that underpins it. This is done by mapping out the sequence of learning across the different subject areas, so that what our children learn builds upon what they have learned before. Our pupils are able to learn key concepts by teachers breaking them down into smaller, more manageable components so that their knowledge and understanding of these larger concepts increases over time.
Through our curriculum we use a growth mind set approach. We encourage our children to take risks and embrace challenge. We actively teach children that getting things wrong can be a positive – it’s how we learn.
Woven through our curriculum, are our four curriculum drivers. These are areas that are unique and personalised to us:
Located in the middle of the city, we want our children to be tolerant and respectful towards the diverse cultures, nationalities and faith traditions that make up our vibrant community.
We believe that educating children in sustainability is vital for the future of our planet We aim to instil in our children an awareness of their responsibilities and a sense of accountability for their world. We encourage them to care for themselves, care for each other and care for the environment.
We value the key learning behaviours of resourcefulness, resilience, reciprocity and reflectiveness. We teach this discretely through our PSHE lessons but also embed it throughout our curriculum and reward system.
Oracy is a powerful tool for learning. At Aboyne Lodge we recognise that teaching our children to become effective speakers and listeners, means that we are empowering them to better understand themselves, each other and the world around us.