Tel: 01727 849700
Email: admin@aboyne.herts.sch.uk
Etna Road St Albans AL3 5NL
Headteacher: Keith Smithard MA Ed.
SENCo: Michelle Charsley

Aboyne Lodge Breakfast and After School Club - Orchards
Orchards provides wrap-a-round care for children in Reception through to Year 6 at Aboyne Lodge. We run a free play model providing opportunities for children to be creative, play games and spend time outside.
Breakfast Club - 7:45am to 8:45am (Daily)
After School Club - 3:10pm to 5pm & 6pm (Monday to Thursday) 3:10pm to 5pm (Fridays)
Breakfast Menu (served until 8:15am)
choice of cereals,
toast or bagel with choice of jam, honey or Marmite
fresh and dried fruits,
fruit juices and milk.
After School Menu
a sandwich of wholemeal bread, pitta, bagels or wraps with a choice of fillings- ham, cheese, chicken, houmous.
Vegetable crudites - Carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes
Fruit juice and water available throughout the session
Fresh seasonal fruit
Choice of small yoghurt, cake or biscuit
Please inform the Orchard staff of any allergies you child has. We operate a Nut Free Zone.
Children have free choice of any of the available activities. All activities are supervised and include:
A range of adult-led activities
Indoor and outdoor games, weather permitting.
Drawing and reading
Puzzles and board games
Construction toys
Bookings are made via the School Gateway where you will be able to book and pay in advance. Our aim is to ensure that there are enough spaces to meet demand. If sessions are full, or if you are unable to book onto a session, please contact Sharon Jackson, for help you with your booking, using the Orchards email address orchards@aboyne.herts.sch.uk
Session times
Breakfast club is open from 7:45am. Staff will walk your child to their class at 8:45am.
After School club is from 3:10pm and has two session options: 5pm or 6pm. Orchards finishes at 5pm on Fridays.
Breakfast club £8 per session
After School club £14 per session up to 5pm; £18 per session up to 6pm
Additional/ Ad-Hoc Bookings
If you require any additional or ad-hoc sessions, you can check availability and book online up to midday the day before. All bookings should be made at least 24 hours prior to attendance.
School Gateway
If you are not already registered with School Gateway, please go to https://login.schoolgateway.com/0/auth/register ; you must enter the email address and mobile number as entered on your Admission form and press the ‘Send PIN’ button. You will then be sent a new PIN number by text. Or, download the School Gateway app from the app store or google play.
Payment will be required at time of booking. If you wish to pay using childcare vouchers, please contact Orchards prior to booking to have these credited to your account.
Orchards does have a waiting list. Please email orchards@aboyne.herts.sch.uk to register your interest, stating which days and sessions you require. If registering for child due to start Reception in September please also state this.
Please ensure that your child arrives at Breakfast Club by 8.15am if they require food.
If for any reason your child is not going to attend a session, please email orchards@aboyne.herts.sch.uk or contact the school office on 01727 849700
Pick-up and Late Collection
If you are delayed or need to contact Orchards, during the club sessions the phone number is 07340 570887
T's & C's
Please click here for full term's and condition's for Orchards.
Senior Manager
Sharon Jackson
Gema Landrove
Pari Najafi-Ziyazi
Shasha Gao
Isis Stockley
Caroline Dowling
Prices and Bookings
Bookings are made via School Gateway Clubs.
Breakfast club: £8
After School Club: £14 (5pm pick-up) £18 (6pm pick-up)
For more information please contact the School Office on admin@aboyne.herts.sch.uk