Tel: 01727 849700
Email: admin@aboyne.herts.sch.uk
Etna Road St Albans AL3 5NL
Headteacher: Keith Smithard MA Ed.
SENCo: Michelle Charsley

The Aboyne Lodge Eco-Committee comprises two pupils from each year group (y1 to 6), who take the lead on the school's commitment to protect the environment and be as sustainable as it can be. The pupils are elected by their class peers, in response to a presentation or statement they give, outlining their dedication to sustainability.
The committee is overseen by Mrs Handley who takes the lead on Sustainability and there is also a link governor, Ollie Milton. In addition, there is parent representation in the form of PTA members whose role is to maintain a link with the committee, ensure school fundraising events are eco-friendly and help with sourcing and funding eco projects that the children are leading.
Meeting a couple of times each half term, the committee discuss, decide and plan priorities for the school to work on, sharing these back to their class. information, ideas or developments are disseminated throughout the school, displayed on the Eco-School notice board and shared with parents via Class Dojo and newsletters
Key issues are raised at school assemblies and with the wider community and the school takes part in the annual St Albans Sustainability Festival.