Tel: 01727 849700
Email: admin@aboyne.herts.sch.uk
Etna Road St Albans AL3 5NL
Headteacher: Keith Smithard MA Ed.
SENCo: Michelle Charsley

Religious Education lessons are one of the first places that children learn about people different from themselves and is often the first context in which they will meet a person who belongs to a religious or belief tradition different from their own. At Aboyne Lodge we understand the importance of learning about the beliefs and practices from our community, and that of others, and to respect those who hold beliefs different to their own.
At Aboyne Lodge we:
Provoke challenging questions about the meaning and purpose of life, beliefs, the self, and issues of right and wrong, commitment and belonging. It develops pupils’ knowledge and understanding of Christianity, other principal religions, and religious traditions that examine these questions, fostering personal reflection and spiritual development.
Encourage pupils to explore their own beliefs (religious or non-religious), in the light of what they learn, as they examine issues of religious belief and faith and how these impact on personal, institutional and social ethics; and to express their responses.
Enable pupils to build their sense of identity and belonging, which helps them flourish within their communities and as citizens in a diverse society.
Teach pupils to develop respect for others, including people with different faiths and beliefs, and helps to challenge prejudice.
Prompt pupils to consider their responsibilities to themselves and to others, and to explore how they might contribute to their communities and to wider society. It encourages empathy, generosity and compassion.
Nurture children’s own spiritual development
RE brings together learning about and from religion, questioning and spiritual development in a comprehensive scheme of learning. Teaching strategies are varied and are mindful of the need for differentiation. Each enquiry starts from the children’s own life experiences using these as a bridge into the investigation of the religion being studied. Learning is assessed and children have opportunity to express their own thoughts and beliefs and empathise with believers of that religion or belief position.
RE gives particular opportunities to promote an ethos of respect for others, challenge stereotypes and build understanding of other cultures and beliefs. This contributes to promoting a positive and inclusive school ethos that champions democratic values and human rights. As a result, we welcome external speakers and contributors from the community. These visits have included, members of the local Christian church and speakers from other religions such as Buddhism, Sikhism and Judaism. We have also welcomed speakers from the Humanist community. You can find our more detailed RE curriculum sequence below: