Tel: 01727 849700
Email: admin@aboyne.herts.sch.uk
Etna Road St Albans AL3 5NL
Headteacher: Keith Smithard MA Ed.
SENCo: Michelle Charsley

We warmly welcome you to Aboyne Lodge School. As governors we care passionately about the wellbeing of the pupils and the success of our school. First and foremost for us is that the children are safe, happy and ready to learn, supported by high quality teaching and facilities and a wide range of opportunities inside the classroom and outside in our spacious grounds.
We make our contribution to that through our commitment to the Full Governing Body, School Improvement (teaching & learning), and Resources committees, as well as making regular visits to the school and taking part in school life. We feel that Aboyne Lodge is a really special place and we are sure you’ll agree if you or your child spends time here.
You may ask what the governing body does for the school? Perhaps the most important thing we do is to provide support and constructive challenge to the Head and his team about the work they are doing and how that fits with the School Development Plan. There are a lot of other areas of activity though. One recent focus for us in the School Improvement Committee, for example, has been taking time to understand the new Ofsted inspection approach, with its attention to the intent, implementation and impact of everything the school does to enable the children to learn. We have also, in our Resources Committee, have overseen the extensive renovation project (funded by the DfE), which has seen the school transformed back to the beautiful building you see today. We also have a lot of school policies and guidance that regularly need reviewing to check that they are up to date and fit for purpose.
As a governing body we welcome your views and feedback. If you have anything you would like to tell us about your experience of the school, successes or things you think we could be doing better, just ask to speak one of our joint chairs, a parent governor or any other governor by contacting the school office.
The Governors are representative of our community and various local groups and they influence the character, policies and general administration of the school. They are elected for a period of four years or for their term of office and meet regularly to debate all aspects of school life.
There are two committees;
School Improvement which deals with the curriculum, teaching and learning - this is chaired by Nadine Farrar-Hockley
Resources which deals with finance, premises, pay and personnel - this is chaired by Tom Walsh
Governors have three main roles:
Strategic role: governors are involved in the school development and improvement planning process, allocating resources and in considering the direction, aims and values of the school governors. The Governing Body’s focus is on raising the achievement of all pupils. Governors help to set and regularly review all school policies (e.g. homework, special educational needs) and seek to ensure that the school meets its targets.
Critical friend: governors monitor and evaluate progress in the school.
Accountability: The Governing Body must account to the whole school community for the performance of the school, the educational standards it achieves and the quality of education it provides.
The Governing Body meets at least once a term. Minutes of these meetings are available here on our website or there is a hard copy located in the school office.