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Numele meu este doamna Clinton și sunt SENCO (Coordonator pentru nevoi educaționale speciale) și conducător pentru sănătate mintală. Sunt un profesor calificat cu un rol în afara clasei. Am absolvit Premiul Național SENCo și am o diplomă de nivel 5 în predarea copiilor cu dificultăți specifice de învățare. Mă veți găsi aici trei zile pe săptămână, de obicei marți, miercuri și joi. Lucrez cu tot personalul de aici pentru a îmbunătăți rezultatele pentru copilul dumneavoastră. Suntem o școală incluzivă și muncim din greu pentru a ne asigura că fiecare copil este capabil să își atingă întregul potențial.  Avem o echipă puternică abordabilă, care include mulți profesori cu experiență, AT și Ayla, câinele școlii. 

Vă voi ajuta cu probleme specifice SEND și/sau sănătatea mintală și aștept cu nerăbdare un parteneriat pozitiv care să lucreze cu dumneavoastră în sprijinul copilului dumneavoastră.  De asemenea, lucrez îndeaproape cu mulți profesioniști externi, inclusiv linkul nostru Practician în educație și sănătate mintală (EMHP), pentru a mă asigura că fiecare copil are acces la sprijinul adecvat._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-586_

Unde pot găsi mai multe informații despre SEND pe acest site?

  • Faceți clic pe „Informații statutare” în partea de sus a paginii de pornire și derulați în jos la SEN în partea dreaptă, unde veți găsi

  • Plan de accesibilitate

  • TRIMITE Raport de informare

  • Politica de incluziune

  • MÂNĂ

  •  'OFERTA LOCALĂ HERTScare include servicii disponibile în Hertfordshire

  • TRIMITE fluturașul Duty Lines decembrie 2020

  • Informații și politici pentru câini de școală

Where can I find information, help and advice?

We know that discovering that your child may need extra support in some way can be worrying. There are many charities and organisations that offer free, impartial advice and support for families of children with SEND. Mrs Charsley will support you through the SEND process and signpost you to these groups, but you can find a list here:

For support with Autism, ADHD and Neurodiverse conditions

Parents & Carers | ADD-vance - The ADHD & Autism Trust

Find out more about how we support parents and carers of children affected by ADHD, Autism or a related condition with training, coaching and much more.

SPACE Hertfordshire

SPACE supports families of children and young people who are autistic, have ADHD or other neurodiverse conditions. No diagnosis is necessary.

For support with Down's Syndrome


Up On Downs

Up on Downs is a parent run organisation which supports families of children with Down’s Syndrome. We support other parents by sharing information and creating opportunities for families to socialise and learn together.


Downs Syndrome Association

The Down's Syndrome Association are here to support and walk along life's journey with both old and young people living with Down's Syndrome.

For support with Dyslexia

Guidance for parents - British Dyslexia Association

The British Dyslexia Association, leading online parenting forum Mumsnet and expert in parenting dyslexia John Hicks have worked together to produce What…

Parent Champions - The Dyslexia-SpLD Trust

Parent Champions are ordinary people who have a passion for supporting children who struggle with literacy. They do this by championing the cause, pointing parents and carers in the direction of where they can get help and support from our partner organisations.

For support with OCD

OCD-UK has been working for children and adults affected by Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder since 2004. We provide advice, information, and support services for those affected by OCD, and campaign to end the trivialisation and stigma of OCD.

Uniquely, the charity is completely service-user led, everyone involved in the organisation have personal experience of OCD, either directly or through a loved one.

For support with Mental Health

NESSie - Positive Mental Health

Nessie is funded by Hertfordshire County Council to support parents/carers of children and young people with emotional and mental health issues. The aim of this work is to help parents/carers develop a positive and more confident approach to supporting their young person, whilst offering a chance to gain peer support; useful strategies and practical tools.

General advice and support for parents of children with SEN

Hertfordshire SENDIASS

Hertfordshire SENDIASS is an impartial Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS).


(IPSEA) Independent Provider of Special Education Advice

IPSEA offers independent legally based advice, support and training to help get the right education for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).


Special Needs Jungle

Special Needs Jungle provides parent-centred information, news, resources and informed opinion about SEN, disability, children's health and SEN politics

Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust  Services - Speech & Language, Occupational Health, Visual and hearing impairment & Young Carers

Speech and Language

The children and young people’s (CYP) speech and language therapy service offers a child- and family-centred approach to support CYP with speech, language, communication needs (SLCN) and those with eating and drinking difficulties in Hertfordshire.


Occupational Therapy

The children’s occupational therapy service offers a child and family-centred approach to support children and young people with their independence in all aspects of daily living, such as self-feeding, dressing and participating in play and school activities. The service is available to children and families across Hertfordshire.

Educational Psychology Service

Educational Psychologists (known as EPs) use psychology to support the learning, development and emotional wellbeing of children and young people. We work together with parents and carers, educational and other professionals, and children and young people. Our job is to help identify and meet the needs of children and young people, and support educational settings (nurseries, schools, colleges) to find ways forward.

Visual Impairment Team

Our Vision Impairment team helps education staff to support their pupils who are blind/ partially sighted. We also run activity sessions for preschool aged children.


Deaf and Hearing Support Service

The Deaf and Hearing Support Service help education staff to better support their pupils with hearing loss. They also provide activity sessions for deaf children of preschool age.


Herts Parent Carer Involvement

HPCI is an independent parent carer led organisation which aims to improve services for young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities.

If you can't find the additional support that you need through our website, please come in and we'll do our best to help.

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Asociația școlii Aboyne Lodge (ALSA) - Organizație caritabilă înregistrată în Anglia - Număr organizație caritabilă: 1044678
Sediul social: Aboyne Lodge School, Etna Road, St. Albans, AL3 5NL

© 2022 Aboyne Lodge School.

Proiectat cu mândrie deMidnight Blue Marketing- Fotografiat deTony Briscoe

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