Tel: 01727 849700
Email: admin@aboyne.herts.sch.uk
Etna Road St Albans AL3 5NL
Headteacher: Keith Smithard MA Ed.
SENCo: Michelle Charsley

At Aboyne, our scheme of work is planned around the topics in the National Curriculum. Emphasis in this subject is not solely on knowledge, but the development of curiosity which encourages children to ask questions and make predictions, ways children solve problems and investigate scientifically, using results and data from tests and simple experiments. Much ‘hands-on’ practical investigation is encouraged. We have a whole school Science Day each year where the timetable is dedicated to this curriculum area.
We are fortunate to have strong links with other local Secondary schools. This includes a programme where our Year 6 children have the benefit of going to the Science Labs at St Alban’s boys, where they get the opportunity to use equipment they wouldn’t normally use in a Primary school setting. These sessions are led by secondary Science teachers with a wealth of knowledge and experience.
To plan successfully, it is important to understand what the children have been taught previously and how that links to the concepts, and related statements, from the science National Curriculum, that will be taught in the coming year.