Tel: 01727 849700
Email: admin@aboyne.herts.sch.uk
Etna Road St Albans AL3 5NL
Headteacher: Keith Smithard MA Ed.
SENCo: Michelle Charsley

Like most schools we have a school uniform policy. We think that it is important that the children look smart, are well presented and ready for school each day. All the uniform listed is required, however there is an option to purchase it without a logo from major high street retailers. You can purchase the uniform with logos from the school office, with other items readily available from various high street shops. Payment to be made through school gateway.
Yellow sweatshirt/cardigan with logo
White polo shirt with logo
Grey trousers/skirt/pinafore
Yellow summer dress - worn in summer term
Black/grey socks/grey tights
Black shoes
Book Bag
Yellow Polo with logo
Plain black shorts
Plain black hoody and joggers for winter
Plimsoles/black trainers
PE bag
As I am sure you can imagine with every child wearing the same clothing, it is vitally important that everything that your child wears or brings into school is named. Named lost property will be returned to the child. Unnamed lost property will be placed in the lost property box. At the end of each term unclaimed uniform is either added to the second-hand uniform sale-rail or sent for recycling.
Please download the order form and email to admin@aboyne.herts.sch.uk